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Monday Ladies Craft Sessions

Each week we create a variety of craft items and offer items for sale. People with all different abilities and talents are welcome to join us! Proceeds from the sale of our crafts go to support ministries of the church. Bring a lunch and enjoy the company of others. We meet on most Mondays “around” 10 am, except holidays.  

Wednesday Men’s Morning Prayer Group

Meets weekly at 7:30 AM in the Prayer Room


Wednesday Group Bible Study

Meets weekly at 2:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall

Ruth’s Circle*

Meets the third Friday of each month at 1:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall

*Women’s Group

Monthly Lunch Bunch

The Lunch Bunch is a monthly group for those who want to fellowship and get to know the St. Mark’s family. No requirements to participate in this group so come when you can. Each month the Lunch Bunch will patron a different restaurant around the greater Cincinnati area. Be sure to contact us 2 days before the scheduled date in order to make reservations. Contact the church office for this month’s lunch location.